23 May 2010


Friends have been incredibly generous since our house has been out of commission. Those moments when I reach my breaking point of trekking through dust, sleeping in the closet and general malaise, it seems someone senses it and invites us to a good time gathering.

Last week we found our way to a little town in Cache Valley at Steve and Doris' house. They were our "first friends" in Montana. They moved to Canada for a few years and then we lost track of them... for 12 years. At a get-together around eight years ago we were introduced to a young man who was moving here to complete a PhD, by one of Darren's professors. Steven turned around and said, "I already know Darren and DeAnn, they were my neighbors in Missoula." Cool!

We barb-b-qued, sat by a fire, watched a Swainston hawk through the spotting scope tear the living flesh off of a mole... no need to bbq for him. Watched the horses and goats graze the pasture of the spring fresh grass and met their daughters soccer coaches' family newly visiting from Brazil.

I didn't take my camera that night, but I did find the above gem, circa 1990, from an afternoon along the Bitterroot River. Chase was the only baby around in those days. Steven and Doris look the same. Thankfully I am taking the picture, Darren looks a bit younger. Oh and you are not seeing two of Doris. It is her twin.

1 comment:

Gberger said...

I'm sorry that the work on your house is so frustrating. I've never lived IN a remodeling project, but have heard it's very, very trying. How nice that you have friends who sense the difficulty, and who open their homes and hearts.
I hope that it will soon be finished and that you will be settling in and enjoying the comforts of home again.