note to self:
I voted in the municipal elections last Tuesday. I get excited for voting day. One friend calls it sacred. Another friend is now on the city council. Her cousin married my cousin. I am intrigued with her desire to serve in public office. Even here, in our small town, differing parties of thought are on a polarizing path. It's ugly, rude, mean and I believe damaging. Inciting the masses to be "armed and dangerous" is just mind-boggling. Vote, form an opinion, stand for something and RELAX. Have some fun. Enjoy discussion and debate. Respect. {I'm giving myself advice I have a tendency to become overly emotional when involved in politics} One year ago, Darren and I were in Mexico on election day. We had no radio or television or technical contact with the state of the results. All those in our party were wearing red white and blue sensing the excitement happening in our home country to the north. Later that evening we were shuffled back to town where a few of us went to a tequila bar to grab a bite to eat and watch the returns. The bartender was switching between CNN and Dumb and Dumber in Spanish. Finally, even the locals said, "no more dumb and dumber." Now for me that statement had double meaning and we laughed and toasted to Mexico and the election and to the USA and gave thanks for our incredibly blessed lives. That trip to Baja was magical. Something about the light and water and warm air and the people. Darren and Chase left yesterday to participate in the same adventure this year. I'm staying here with LandO. I'm so ecstatic for them and yet want to be there at the same time. I am a big believer in Mom and Son and Dad and Son get-aways, but oh the turtle tour in Baja is not to be missed. Last year Antonio wrote an article for a Mexican environmental travel magazine. This year the Nature Conservancy is tagging along and turtle guy will be there in person. {I have a total "thing" for the turtle guy} I have to remind myself what Bill Maher said about Obama, "Remember folks, he's not your boyfriend." It's just that he looks good, seems to have a great time and loves sea turtles. Hey, he is the reason we went on the trip in the first place. Chase and I heard him speak at Bioneers. And this gets me round about to my point at the beginning of this story. RELAX, stand for something and enjoy the journey!
note: I posted some random photos from the trip. I can't find any of the turtles or the magnificent sand dunes and thousands of sand dollars on the beach at Mag Bay. Darren and Chase will have to add some new ones to the collection.
This is amazing, and even more so because we were invited to go to that very island this summer with my brother, sister-in-law and nephew! We couldn't do it this year, but they have been several times to that private camp ("Baja Camp") and they LOVE it. I look forward to seeing more of your postings about it.
You are right. Crismon and I would love Mexico. Your pictures make me want to go there. It looks like such a fun trip.
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