30 August 2009


5:30am br (before race)

I did it. I ran (a misnomer) the Top of Utah half marathon. I finished in 2:23 something, very slow I know, but considering I did not work out for a year after my mom's death and in May I could barely run consistently for 10 minutes straight and I am not absolutely injured and achy the day after is a good thing, a personal miracle actually. I do owe a lot of it to my dear friend Megan. We met in March. She is half my age. She doesn't care. We have worked out all summer. Bike rides up the canyon. Hikes to the Wind Caves. Swimming. Lots of running. After work-out movies and lunch carbo-loading at the Olive Garden. She is an explosion of energy. Gregarious and full of light. She continually doled out compliments that only a 21 year-old can lead you to believe, "You'll rock this DeAnn." I don't think my family really understood that I was training for a 1/2. Last time I ran one in Moab it wasn't as successful, I was dehydrated, puffy beyond recognition (before the anaphylactic shock), and didn't feel well at all. This time around was actually quite emotional as I crossed the finish line. I thought of my mom, and all the trauma work I have completed the last few years and I think I felt "joy." I was not hungry - if you can understand that. Oh, one other bit of motivation was that my ipod playlist got stuck on the same song for the last one and half miles. It was the perfect pacer and I am certain I sang it out. Loud. Here it is: UY's Moments & Memories (by the way UY is my niece's husband's band and if you watch the video you'll see Land skipping and skanking at :44 and 2:36)


echo said...

what a great song for your ipod to get stuck on!!!
GREAT JOB running a half marathon. that is a great achievement.
i will be training soon too. for the st. george marathon next year. that is, if i don't chicken out.

Sara Jane said...

Congratulations! That is so awesome. I'm impressed that you trained so quickly for it and feel so good. Glad that is was a good experience. I remember you being all dehydrated and not feeling so hot in Moab. Here's to many for 1/2's and smoking that time!

dixie said...

Cool!!!!! DeAnn you are the best!!! Congratualtions!!! Love the song too!!!

Tamara Jacobs said...

good job!
that is so awesome that you ran that race and finished so strong.
that is a huge accomplishment.
and such a small world that megan's brother lives right by us here in our little town.
we just love him and his wife, and daughter.
oh, and i love your running skirt. so cute. you look great!

Gberger said...

CONGRATULATIONS! That is wonderful news. I am impressed. Your friend sounds like a gift from God. So glad that you thought of your mom at the finish line...I will bet she would be so proud. I'm so happy for you.

Megan said...

Wow DeAnn! You really are amazing!! Thanks for all the nice things you said about me, but I'm serious when I tell you how great you really are! I can't wait to train for another race with you when I get home! And a year and a half is nothing... We will always be friends!! I love you!