Well in order to look on the bright side of this day I remembered it is Land and Chase's friend Ricky's birthday and I always tell him that it is a good day for a birthday because it also happens to be Harry's birthday and he's all like who's Harry? And I'm all you don't know? Now it has become a bit of a joke between us. There is actually a skate video of Ricky with a serenade by Harry floating around somewhere on my computer.
Another bright spot - Brady is Chad Danforth in our community production of High School Musical. I attended opening night with his family. It was pure good fun! Go B-Rad. He is athletic, and can dance and can sing. So talented. He is the student body president in the new High School Musical 3 so look for him when it comes to theaters in October. (for those of you who don't know Brady he is one of the kids' friends who I consider another son)
I can't remember Anne Morrow Lindbergh's words exactly, but it is something like this, "Every day has joy, no matter how dull and sad".
I can't remember Anne Morrow Lindbergh's words exactly, but it is something like this, "Every day has joy, no matter how dull and sad".
Now fill the next 4 years with joy and vote Obama! (here's a view from a real woman that thinks like I do)
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