06 September 2010

Happy Trails

My birthday fell on Saturday of the long Labor Day weekend. We went for a sweet stroll up the base of the Wellsvilles to find a blackberry patch with our good time adventure friends Mark and Jill.
        Jill is observant and finds all the wildlife.
At one point together we spied five hawks at once.
Wellsville Hick
Sumptuous birthday sweetness was my gift at the destination patch.
Darren holds the prized possession.
We sat for a while to enjoy the snacks.
Mark and Darren threw rock paper scissors to see if we would continue on.
The result was affirmative.
We stopped when the trail got steep. It was 91 degrees, sweat was streaming.
The view to the west held the rock face of Stuart Peak. 
The view to the east was of the valley. 
Discovery closeups... feather.
Blackberries on the branch in the sticky scratch briar patch.
Wildflowers still in bloom in the late late summer.
Dandelion sun.
The day was topped off with a bbq of summer fresh food and a nighttime dip in the pool.
... and a scuba video.

What a satisfying day. Wish you were here.


Jen said...

Me and all the boys (Tony included) hope you had a wonderful birthday. Wish we could have been there to celebrate with you. Love you tons.

Tamara Jacobs said...

happy happy (belated) birthday!
hope you had a wonderful day!
i LOVE your pictures.
that hike looked amazing!
love your blog.

Kaitlan said...

happy birthday! those blackberries look so good. In alabama we had wild blackberries in our backyard, i miss them. sorry we couldn't make it up on labor day. the girls got sick and were totally bummed. we will come up and visit, we really need to. glad you had a nice birthday with special friends.

Gberger said...

What a perfect birthday! Spending the day with friends/loved ones is the best gift. And dinner looked scrumptious.
Happy Belated Birthday to you!