02 March 2010

what goes around comes around

We have been in St. John, "where every day is different and every day is perfect." I came up with that motto all by myself. We went on another beach vacation with our friends the Anderson's. I'll post more about it later. I love the water and the moist air. We got home at 1:00am last night. A pipe had broke in our upstairs bathroom and ran for two days. A waterfall into the kitchen, and dining room, and sitting room. Arrrrghhh! As a pirate would say. Chase took care of moving the furniture and getting someone in to tear out the sheetrock and carpets. I'm left with the moist air and water. Isn't that what I wanted?


Bluebird & Company said...

oh man! That stinks! We bought a home in Farmington that we are fixing up to resale and we have had sewer coming up through the pipes....we really could say "that stinks!". :)
How much damage did the water do? I hope it's not too much of a fix-up project.

Sara Jane said...

Love how you put some humor into that terrible situation. Can't wait to see pics. I love your header--it's a great picture.

Gberger said...

Oh, I'm so sorry that you came home from all of that relaxation to a mess, but you sound like you have a great attitude about it.

I love to read about your beach vacations. It's where my heart is, too; though we live by a beach, I never tire of it (and ours is a COLD-water beach, not tropical). I hope you will post some photos when time (and home repair) allow.

Gberger said...

Thank you for your kind words and prayers.
I'm so far behind, am just getting back to you about your question on the "Le Tour" posting: yes, that mas was one of the B&B's where we stayed. It was about 200 years old, with a gorgeous garden, a pool & big wall around the whole thing. (We stayed in B&B's and modest hotels everywhere.) The funny thing about that place is that the husband was British, and the wife was French - and he did all of the work! He baked the most luscious croissants and breads, and graciously waited on the breakfast tables. He made us feel welcome, and he was very funny, too. I would recommend it to anyone, but not at the hottest time of year - no AC.