So much to do, revisions on a thesis, tending to the flu, teaching 9
semester credit hours, revising curriculum, trying to be a decent mom
to teenaged young men and those are the issues on the outside,
ahhhh, like the song says, "she fights for her life". Yeah, that's what
it feels like when the stress is getting the best of me.
sounds like a lot going on. good luck with everything. I LOVED reading about your innaugaration experience. I still can't believe you got to be there! what an amazing experience! hope all is well. hope you get feeling better from the flu!
Sometimes, it's hard to simply remember to breathe. I pray that you will find space to do that, in the midst of everything else.
Thank you for your comment on my blog. It helps me to know that I'm understood, and not alone.
I think that space you were describing is where religion fades, and relationship becomes primary -- and authentic. And for me, love seems to bloom more in relationship than in religion. Blessings to you!
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