21 October 2008

sixteen candles

Ovations and applause! Land is sah...wheet sixteen! (10-20) Nothing like homemade lemon cake made by your bestest girl friend's dad (cause he is the baker). Skull candlesticks also add to a cozy October birthday celebration. And so here's to a birthday, a baker, a candlestick maker - hooray!


Domestic Bliss & FOUND said...

I apologize for leaving this irrelevant post on your blog, but we did not have contact information for you to let you know you won a silent auction item at Blissfest. Please feel free to delete this after reading and responding to it.

You won auction # 92 (mood swing mobile) for $80. Please contact us for the final amount with shipping. If you are local, please contact us at nierecovery@gmail.com to schedule a pick up at Blissful Living Studio (166 West Main Street, Mesa Arizona), where you may pay by cash or check.

Thank you for your support!!
Blissfest Team

Sara Jane said...

Happy Birthday Land! I can't believe you are 16!