1. I drove in a snowstorm to my dad's on Thursday night to meet the Fergussons and watch the National Championship game. I got lost in Croydon, hmmm how does that happen I've been through that town thousands of times.
2. Spend a leisure morning at my dad's with the Fergussons. Amy is my dad's buddy shoveling and scraping snow. My dad was an excellent host and the new home is really nice.
3. Shopping at the outlet mall. I rarely get a chance to shop with "the girls". It was a good time.
4. Meet Darren and the boys at Red Butte Cafe for dinner.
5. Attend the gymnastics meet at U of U. On the list as one of my favorite activities. The girls were awestruck.
6. I take the boys to Bodyworlds at 1:00am (yes you read that right - it is open 24 hours for the final days) - it is sold out, but a kind ticket agent let us through in the wee hours of the morning. We finally finish at 4:00am and return to the hotel to sleep.
7. The Fergussons leave after breakfast. (for San Fran, Figi and then back to Oz) I am so tired that I can't get emotional, but on the inside I so don't want them to leave. We have had such a fantastic holiday with them.
8. Slumdog Millionaire. Don't wait - go and see this movie now. Unbelievable.
9. Dinner at Harry and Amy's. They cook us steaks and perfected potatoes and gingered vegetables and oooo so yummy ice cream. (soy for me). We stay at their house and visit until after 11:00.
That's how to spend the weekend; with great family and close friends. I feel good and exhausted and happy.
what a fun exciting weekend.
Wow I want to see that body world thing so bad...looks like that isn't gonna happen! And that movie has gotten great reviews-I will plan on seeing that one;0)
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