I have been encouraging the boys to do more with their hands - to find a need and create a solution with their minds and own man-power. Well who doesn't
need a floating adjustable lounge chair in the pool. Not exactly what I had in mind, but nevertheless, brilliant!
creative! When did you move? I would like to see your house, yard, pool, ect..
very clever. i didn't know you had a pool.
very clever. i didn't know you had a pool.
HA! That is brilliant and hilarious!
Chase you are amazing!
that picture made my day!
I watched Obama's speech last night, and it really was incredibly amazing. He knows how to speak, and I don't know why I teared up at the end (that is not like me). I think Nate watched some of it, but I am sure he will have a comment about the cooters here shortly.
I really hope Obama can win this. Even if he can't change everything at least he is willing to try. We need change in my mind.
Thanks for putting a smile on my face today! Hope you are enjoying the new house.
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