03 June 2008

The Audacity of Hope!



AnnDeO said...

c'mon people comment on Obama. I am sooooooo excited. In the back of my head I never thought it was going to happen. whoa, I didn't have hope for just a second.

Kaitlan said...

Go Obama! It is very exciting and I think he has a good chance. My dad is as crazy about him as you! I know he is jumping up and down on his couch right now screaming "Obama '08". Exciting times, wouldn't you say.

Sara Jane said...

UMM, you know you are a democrat in a mostly republican state. I think people are a little nervous to state political opinions. I assume you made the poster and I think the design is great. Of course Obama would beat Hillary. You will just have to wait for November... As for who I am rooting for... just ask my Dad about the day that I told him I was a registered Republican (aka gone to the dark side) because I was a State Delegate. I think it took him a few weeks to get over it and I still can't even talk about it with him now! My years at DCFS converted me to Republicanism--I would have thought it would be opposite! THanks for making your voice heard and stating your hopes for the future.


AnnDeO said...

I found the poster at laughingsquid.com. I tried to link it but it failed. It was our days in Missoula that turned me democratic, also the day they put Michael Leavitt in as head of the EPA (what a joke) - I went and changed my affiliation that very afternoon. It's all about your own experience and how you view the world - but what is most important is being involved and speaking up which is scary alot of the time.