Marketa Irglova and Glen Hansard from ONCE -my camera phone photo
Dean Kiger and a sweet view of my hood - Sue makes sure the hood looks good
Steve and I - DeAnn & 'the Boys' - Me Outside
Part One - I don't think you can plan your perfect day -- there is serendipity involved. Mine occurred on Friday, May 2nd. I woke up super early for a swimming bootcamp. I rested for a bit when I got back home and overslept (luckily, Chase came to the house and woke me up). In a mad dash I got ready for GRADUATION! When I arrived at the Spectrum (wrong location) at 12:40 to get my cap and gown I remarked to the woman at the desk that I couldn't believe that so many people were arriving almost 2 hours early. She looked at me with an "are you on crack" expression and emphatically stated, "Graduation starts at 1:30 and the procession starts at 1:00 and you my dear need to be at the fieldhouse now to get a cap and gown". I didn't even let her finish the sentence and I was on the phone to Darren in a mad panic, "Go get Land out of school now, call Chase and tell him to get here stat"! I called my professor Steve and said, "Did you know this starts at 1:30 and not 2:30". He, thankfully, is so calm and replies, "Yes, I'm here in line, where are you?" I was running at that point across the field and sweating profusely. I paid for my cap and gown and when I went to pick up my name card the sweet young girl attending the table asked if she could help me get ready. I readily accepted; cap on, tassel hanging to the left, hood over left arm with the white portion toward your elbow. I can write a thesis, but those instructions are much too complicated in a panic state. I was the second to last person in the processional. So we are marching to the Spectrum and as we pass along the sidewalk by the green field the students from Edith Bowen are lining the path. The kindergarteners are waving yellow ribbons and shouting, "huzzah, huzzah". So many memories from when my boys were at Edith Bowen. Sharon Cook gives me a huge hug and all the teachers are congratulating me and the older children are putting their hands out to slap five. Matthew, my favorite 5th grader says, DeAnn, and I give him a hug and I swear, his little 10 year old buddy made all the work worth it. He asks Matthew, "Is that your sister"? The procession continues. Carolyn is standing along the sidewalk saying, "I have been waiting for you". I receive another congratulatory hug. As we enter the Spectrum the faculty are all greeting us. I'm all smiles as I pass Steve and Jeannie, and since I'm one of the last in line, President Albrecht is behind us. Darren, Land and Chase finally get there and I'm looking at them and thinking those those three men are what makes the earth turn. [sidenote: Chase realizes soon after that he has lost his wallet and leaves to retrace his steps -- eventually finding it, but missing the hooding of his mother] I told him that it is in his genes, look at my mess in arriving late and at the wrong place. It is finally my turn to be hooded. I politely ask if I can wait for Sue to do the honors. She tells the man helping her that I need to look extra good and then she asks me for yet another hug. I feel great. They say my name, and I proceed across the podium. The gentleman announcing the names has a British accent and I learn later that the boys were mocking him a bit and saying,"Harry Potter, receiving the Master of Science in Wizardry". Dean Kiger shakes my hand and gives me another hug and says congratulations and I reply, yes, congratulations! I always get tongue tied. I am elated. Something I thought I would never do, but deep inside always harbored the desire to get one of those fancy smancy hoods... that is what I was in it for. After the ceremony I am so pleased, I have my family with me and it is good.
Part Two - Ksenia, a friend of mine from Russia, had asked if I wanted to buy tickets to the Swell Season months ago. We drove to Salt Lake to see the Academy Award winning duo from the movie ONCE show their stuff. Hands down unbelievable! Marketa started with that haunting voice, "
You have broken me all the way down, down upon my knees..." It was at the Depot and the Jazz were playing game six against the Rockets and the town was buzzed. The group played for nearly three hours and we wiggled as close to the stage as we could and stood the entire time. I about wet my pants when Liam, Glen and Marketa covered Van Morrison's
Into the Mystic (I
love that song) and then Forever Young (I want this sung at my funeral). I couldn't help myself -- I sang with abandon. And all I thought as we exited the venue and the streets were crowded and horns honking in celebration of the Jazz winning was this has been the perfect day.
Congrats Dee! That sounds like a great day. Good job for finishing up- that must be an awesome feeling!
have you ever thought of writing and publishing memoirs or something? you are a great writer and always seem to have interesting life stories, and express yourself with wit and cleverness. i know i would enjoy reading it.
congrats on graduating, great accomplishment!
so jealous of the concert, wish i could have been there with you.
oh that is awesome! And I LOVE the singers from ONCE!!! The song Falling Slowly is sooo amazing, and their voices are just piercingly good. Congratulaions on the perfect day and graduating!!!
p.s...I agree with Echo. You need to write a book/memoirs...I would be a huge fan!
DeAnn-Congratulations! Your list of strangeness looks way too much like mine. (We need to talk!) And we were hooded within days of each other. That is bizarre.
Doesn't it feel great to have all that behind you? I want to see your portfolio. And your thesis. (Show me yours - I'll show you mine.)
We need to schedule a play date or something. Email me because I've lost your email address -
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